Minggu, 16 November 2014

Quiet and Rare Crying baby, Beware of Hypothyroidism

Quiet and Rare Crying baby, Beware of Hypothyroidism
Quiet and Rare Crying baby, Beware of Hypothyroidism

Thyroid hormone deficiency or congenital hypothyroidism experienced by the baby in the womb. Therefore, the examination must be performed thyroid levels in newborns in order not to be late addressed.

Approximately 1,600 babies from 4.7 million babies born in the world experiencing congenital hypothyroidism. Babies who suffer from this disorder may initially appear normal because he still gets the thyroid from the mother's body. However, infants with congenital hypothyroidism usually looked lethargic, more subdued, and rarely cried.

The symptoms of hypothyroidism in infants usually appear after the baby was a month or two. Symptoms include large and sticking his tongue out, plenty of sleep, and a swollen face.

If the results showed the baby suffered from congenital hypothyroidism, then he should take the drug. If not addressed, the physical and mental growth of the baby so disturbed. Children will trouble speaking and mental retardation.

Examination of hypothyroid disorder prosuder now become mandatory in newborns. Screening is done by taking blood from the baby's heel as well check blood type. Examination should not be more than one month.

Treatment should also be given during the first month before thyroid hormone channeled exhausted mother during pregnancy. The delay will result in the detection and treatment of brain disorders that can not be repaired.

Until now not known what triggers thyroid disorders in infants, but air pollution and unhealthy lifestyles allegedly became one of the trigger.

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